Happy veterans day 2014 wallpapers Quotes sayings

The Americans celebrate every small and big occasion. They have an immense respect for their veterans – the soldiers and military officer. They show their love, respect and honor for these brave hearts by observing the Veterans Day.

The Veterans Day is being celebrated since 1919. The practice of celebrating the veterans Day was initiated by the then President of America Woodrow Wilson. While announcing this day the former President in a public assembly spoke “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations”

Since then the Veterans Day is being celebrated without failure on the same day every year. The celebrations of the Veterans Day will be held on 11th November 2014 this year also which happens to be Tuesday.

The festival is a federal holiday. The employees have a paid holiday and they get a day off. Those who are not able to get a leave on this day they are adjusted with a leave on some other day or with an extra pay for this day.

The schools, colleges, offices and all federal offices stay closed on this day. People observe this day to thank their unsung heroes for their heroism and dedication. They praise the dedication of their guards who protect them from any possible attacks. The soldiers are respected and honored on this day all over America.

The schools observe a voluntary holiday this day. The national flag of America is hoisted half past the mast and the students observe a silence of 2 minutes at 11 am. Parades are also organized on this day. The schools that do not keep a holiday on this day arrange special assemblies to mark this event. 

happy veterans day 2014 Quotes sms Wishes Wallpapers

Happy veterans day 2014  - Quotes sms Wishes Wallpapers

Happy veterans day 2014  - Quotes sms Wishes Wallpapers

Happy veterans day 2014  - Quotes sms Wishes Wallpapers

Happy veterans day 2014  - Quotes sms Wishes Wallpapers

Enjoy 24th October & stay blessed by God. Feel the happiness of Veterans Day 2014 and just feel the happiness of Veterans Day.

Veterans Day celebration is one of the most beautiful thing celebration of Veterans Day fill each & every one life with light & brightness.

Decorate house with flowers,
 Decorate house with light's,
 Decorate house with Diye,
 Decorate house with happiness,love & passion
 celebrate Happy Veterans Day 2014.

Their are fake friends,
 Their are true friends,
 This Veterans Day celebrate with true friends & for one day forget that what they are & from where they belong.

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